San Pascualito Rey "Sufro, Sufro, Sufro"

Banda formada al norte de la ciudad de Mexico... Crossover de sonidos tipicamente mexicanos cercanos al folk, son, chachacha?, etc... Electrico, melancolico y trip-hopero postula la demencia de seres entristecidos por medio de poesias morbidas e insanas...

  1. Comment by Anónimo on 7/9/08, 15:55  

    mierda que buen disco ahrrrg ahrg!!!

  2. Comment by Anónimo on 28/1/09, 17:46  

    Ferris Wheels and Cotton Candy
    Folks try to stall as the kids get antsy
    They sit there complaining there’s nothing else to do
    So we pick up our coats and go down to the fair
    Who knows what we’ll find when we get there?
    Eyes will be streaming, faces split in two

    Carnies have come to town
    If they stay will you hang around?
    Lately where have you gone?
    I’ve been waiting for so long
    When will you come back?

    Say what you want life’s too good to be true
    Jump-start me after I’m thru the sun-roof
    Soon I’ll be home but I don’t know if you will too

  3. Comment by Anónimo on 30/6/11, 4:37  

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